Anti-Cookie Policy

Privacy is paramount, and cookies are dead to us. Here's what you need to know about our Anti-cookie policy:

1. Privacy First

At Barkers, we value your privacy above all else. We don't believe in tracking your every move with cookies. Your browsing experience is your business, and we will keep it that way.

2. No Cookies, No Crumbs

We've said goodbye to cookies faster than you can say "Internet Explorer." You won't find any sneaky trackers or data crumbs hereā€”just a clean, cookie-free experience.

3. Your Data is Safe with Us

We don't collect it, we don't sell it - Your trust means everything to us.

4. Cookie Notifications? Not Here!

Tired of endless cookie notifications? So are we! That's why you won't find any annoying pop-ups asking you to accept or decline cookies. Enjoy your visit without the hassle.